Telia Estonia Ltd
Telia Eesti AS
Telia Eesti is 100% owned by TeliaSonera group and its local presence in Estonia. It is the result of the late merger of EMT (Estonian Mobile Telecom) and Elion (Fixed line services) in September 2014.
Telia Eesti is a new generation IT and telecoms company that wants to provide the largest value on the market to their customers and help advance the information society. We have entered into a new era, the Internet of Things, and for this purpose we have developed 3rd generation IoT platform. This open platform enables open innovation both on devices connected to the internet and applications that use the information and control them. Developers’ imagination has no restrictions as to how they use the information from the devices while developing new use-cases around information and capabilities that the connected devices give them.
For the past few years, M2M and IoT has been one of the research areas for new services.
Role in the project
As WP6 (City Information Open Platform) leader, Telia’s main task is the coordination of the development of the CIOP platform (WP6) and its deployment in the Tartu LH project (WP4).