Public EV fast chargers
Main sector: smart urban mobility
One important part of Tartu city transport policy is the promotion of the use of alternative fuels in the city transport system. The city itself sets a good example here - public transport is 100% carbon neutral from 2020, at the disposal of city government officials (mainly social workers) are 26 electric cars, etc.
In 2016, 11 public fast charging points for electric vehicles existed in Tartu, but in order to meet the increased demand of charging infrastructure as a result of rising numbers of EVs in the city, five fast charging points have been installed in public locations in the city center area to provide the needed energy for the new EVs.
The main objective of this installation was to strengthen the usage of alternative fuels (electricity) and RES in transport sector. Fast chargers are in general referred to as min 50kW direct current (DC) chargers, which allow you to charge, for example, Nissan Leaf electric car batteries (24 kW) in approximately 30 minutes. Significantly cheaper AC (alternating current) chargers with a lower power rating (typically 11-22 kW) for public use are also available on the market, which can charge the same Nissan Leaf batteries in approximately 8 hours.
In 2012, the national fast charging network was established in Estonia. ELMO consists of 167 50-kW chargers covering all of Estonia. 11 of them are located in Tartu. The ELMO network is available for cars using CHAdeMO standard.
The process of installing fast chargers started at the beginning of 2016 when the most suitable locations for chargers were determined. The choice of locations was based on the precondition that the chargers have to be located in easily accessible locations and where electric vehicle users move on a daily basis. In total, 4 locations were selected, with one charger to be installed in 3 locations and two chargers in one location.
In November 2018, the chargers were installed and made available to the public. What makes the installation of these chargers special is the fact that they are the first public electric car chargers in Estonia that can use both the CCS and CHAdeMO charging modes. Thanks to the new possibilities, the number of new electric vehicles has already increased. As of early 2022, the chargers have already been used in more than 5000 charging sessions since they were installed.
Business model:
The fast chargers belong to the city of Tartu. A public procurement was organized to operate the chargers and it was won by OÜ Eleport. This business model is very suitable for introducing new solutions to the public.
Citizen Engagement:
Citizens’ needs need to be taken into account when choosing the locations for the chargers. The choice of locations was based on the precondition that the chargers have to be located in easily accessible locations and where electric vehicle users move on a daily basis.
- Increased resource efficiency
- Reduction of carbon emissions
- Increased comfort
- Behavioral change as it encourages citizens to purchase EVs
Investment / Finance: Ca. 190 000 €
Potential for replication:
With EV use and demand for rapid charging on the rise, similar solutions could be implemented elsewhere.