
The SmartEnCity webinars present practical experiences, challenges and learnings from actual city transition processes and provide tangible knowledge and ideas for how to approach the zero-carbon transition of cities. In total, there are 6 webinars (#6 is a bonus webinar) covering various topics to help municipal planners or other key stakeholders in the transition to a zero-carbon community. The goal for the webinars is to give you a better understanding of the methodologies, tools, and solutions used in SmartEnCity to address the common challenges of a transition to a zero-carbon city through the lens of those who applied them in their communities.

The theme for each lesson is outlined below:

  • Webinar 1: Strategic Energy Planning in countries and cities.
  • Webinar 2: Facilitating energy transition at city level.
  • Webinar 3: Empower your city transition – Citizen engagement learnings from European municipalities.
  • Webinar 4: Energy Retrofitting of Buildings – Cost effective energy transition and learnings from European municipalities.
  • Webinar 5: Low Carbon Mobility.
  • Additional webinar: Creation of Energy Efficient Buildings Renovation Action Plans for cities: guideline and application cases.

How to use & tips:

  • The webinars are a learning tool for you, so there is not a right or wrong way to go through each webinar. Simply go to the webinar link, click on a video link for the topic you are most interested in, sit back, and enjoy! If you prefer watching things in order, feel free to watch each webinar from start to finish. Webinars 1-5 are accompanied by a presentation that you can download for more information while you are watching the webinars.
  • Tip - if you are learning to use the Energy Balance Tool, Webinar 2 is particularly useful to look into!
  • Want some more lessons about the Cities4ZERO framework? Be sure to check out the SmartEnCity Academy too.
  • This might be a good moment to also take a closer look at the solutions that SmartEnCity Lighthouse Cities demonstrated throughout the project – these are grouped into energy efficiency, mobility, ICTand citizen engagement solutions.

Links to more information:

Visit the website here - SmartEnCity Webinars  
Further links for Webinar 2 - Trial version of a tool (excel file) presented in the webinar and Guideline on how to use the tool