The new video of Lighthouse City Tartu.

New video on smart developments in Lighthouse City Tartu

22 Mar 2021

This video shows in an entertaining and informative way which developments the city has been able to realise in the past years in framework of SmartEnCity project.

The story started already in 2019, when Tartu City applied for the SCIS (Smart Cities Information System) Roadshow competition and was one of the winners ( The reward was financing for what was initially called a „poster campaign“ to advertise Tartu as a smart City and also SCIS. Together with the City communication department and SCIS team, it was decided to turn the posters into videos and with SCIS support, two videos were produced. The first one is in Estonian language to advertise the new SECAP (Smart Energy Climate Action Plan) and to invite people to give their feedback. The second one is a type of summary video of the local SmartEnCity project activities, introducing all smart solutions thatTartu has accomplished  over the recent years.

What is special about this video is the way it is presented, because it is telling the "full story"  of Tartu in an non-technical, easily understandable and interesting way. 

Make up your own mind and have a look.